महाबली शाका और जन्नत महल- 3D

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 7, 2010

सभी कॉमिक्स प्रेमियों को IUnknown का प्रेमपूर्ण नमस्कार| आज हम आपके लिए लाये है, तीन आयामी कॉमिक्स की शृंखला की अगली कड़ी 'महाबली शाका और जन्नत महल' | आशा है आप महाबली शाका से परिचित है | यह डॉयमंद कॉमिक्स का हीरो है जोकि  वेताल और टार्जन से 'inspire' हुआ है | अपनी सादी पोशाख में  वोह बिलकुल वेताल की तरह दिखता है और उसी की तरह जहाँ वो मुक्का मारता है, वहाँ नागचिन्ह लग जाता है | कुछ भी हो कहानियां अच्छी है और आशा है कि आपको पसंद आएगी |

इस कॉमिक्स का स्कैनिंग मैंने किया है और सादे पन्नों की सफाई करने में प्रभात ने अपना कमाल दिखाया है| मुखपृष्ठ और अंतिम पन्ना एकदम फटा पुराना था, फिर से  अब नया लगता है | 

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Coming next : 3D comics - Captain 3D and Star Wars
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D2-022 Mezmo (26-Dec-1956 to 23-Feb-1957)

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 7, 2010

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: As Flash, Dale and Zarkov return to the Forest Kingdom after their dramatic adventures on Mongo (read D2-021 Rob and Bey's Wonders of Mongo), a lonely man makes his way to the same destination in search for work and a complete break with a troubled past caused by his special powers.

After a chance meeting with Flash and his friends, Mezmo is soon up and running with his own business, but a string of accidental ‘miracles’ brought about by his visionary power lead to an uncontrollable stampede to the city, bringing a deadly epidemic in its wake....

(Source of summary: www.ipcomics.net)

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It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned it.
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Super-Swipes #5

Người đăng: Unknown

There are swipes and then there are SWIPES, and this is one of the latter. I talked awhile ago about the first appearance of Sun Boy from the Legion of Superheroes, and how large parts of that story were swiped from an earlier tale, but at least in that case the ending was significantly different.

Not so with this story, which introduces Legion member Star Boy:

The plot and most of the dialog are swiped from Adventure #195:

It would be tedious to point out all the similarities in the two stories, so I will settle for just highlighting the major plot points. In each case, Lana is annoyed that Superboy ignores her new dress. She gets an idea how to make him pay more attention to her from a movie:

Meanwhile, Superboy is surprised when he receives a summons to meet another super-powered youth outside of town. It's Marsboy/Star Boy. There's a brief discussion of how the youth gained his super-powers (in each case from a passing comet). In each story, there are two escaped criminals, one of which has been caught while capturing the other requires Superboy's help due to a super-power limitation:

In each case Lana Lang overhears the conversation and threatens the other super-powered lad with secret identity exposure unless he agrees to help her make Superboy jealous. Lana gets permission from her mom to visit the homeworld of the other boy with a demonstration of his ability to protect her:

In each story, the other super-lad takes Lana to his home planet, where he lavishes gifts upon her, including weaving a special cloth. In each case, Superboy, who is secretly aware of her plot, gripes about how odd it is that these heroes give her so much attention:

In each story, Superboy returns with a beauty in tow, explaining to Lana that she was indeed right: Girls from another planet are far more fascinating. Seeing her plans go awry, Lana pretends that the air on the other super-lad's world is affecting her, but:

This leads Lana to admit that she had blackmailed Marsboy/Star Boy into pretending to be wild about her. There is a slight difference in the two stories here, as in the Star Boy tale Superboy admits that he knew Lana's scheme all along and only pretended to be interested in the other gal. But in the end of both stories, Lana decides that while he may not be any closer to her, at least he's farther away from that interplanetary hussy.

A couple of notes: Marsboy had appeared a few times prior to Adventure #195, but as far as I know, this was his swan song. And Star Boy is shown as having dramatically different powers than the making objects heavy ability he would have during his Legion appearances. Indeed, his powers here virtually mimic Superboy's.
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Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 7, 2010

For some reason, these stories appeared to be popular with readers in the Silver Age, because there were several. In this particular tale, Pa Kent doesn't really gain super-powers. He is struck by a bolt of lightning while wearing a Superman outfit that a tailor had designed as a gimmick, and becomes convinced that he is a Man of Steel. The story features one of the more convenient comic cliches of the Silver Age:

Thus the tale revolves around Superboy helping his dad perform super-feats until he can recover. In the course of the plot, Pa Kent becomes something of a laughingstock of the town. But everybody is surprised when:

However, it turns out that Pa Kent had eventually realized he wasn't really super-powered and pulled a fast one on the townspeople and his son:

Comments: I particularly like the twist ending to this story; Pa Kent seldom got the last laugh in the Silver Age.

The next example of this type of story came exactly a year later, in Adventure #236:

This story starts with Jonathan Kent questioning his usefulness as a parent:

Of course, if he really wanted to help his son, he would have suggested that the lad stop bringing back strange objects from alien worlds, a frequently disastrous practice that Superboy continued as an adult. And so it is with this story, as the Lad of Steel brings back a rod from outer space that has an unexpected effect:

So Pa Kent becomes Strongman, and "helps and guides" Superboy in his patrols of Smallville. Of course, not being used to super-powers he frequently makes mistakes, and indeed is more of a hindrance to his son.

An amusing subplot involves Lana Lang's mother, who becomes Pa Kent's secret identity snoop just as her daughter had been for years to Superboy:

I don't think Lana's mom made many appearances in the Silver Age; I can't recall another story featuring her prominently.

Anyway, Pa Kent soon finds out that super-powers and a secret identity are a mixed blessing, and when his abilities wear out eventually he decides to leave the heroics to his son. There is a touching moment at the end:

Comments: The sweet ending redeems this tale. The Kents didn't get enough credit in the Silver Age. Sure, Superboy got his super-powers from his Kryptonian parents, but he got his moral upbringing from Jonathan and Martha, and that was easily more important in making him a superhero.

But Super-Dad was far from finished:

No surprise, it's our old friend the alien object that gives Pa Kent his powers:

This time Jonathan has no intentions of allowing his son to even share the glory:

And indeed it seems like Pa has been jealous of his son's abilities all along. But then Superboy discovers the truth when his "dad" meets one of his robots:

It turns out that the Super-Dad in this case is actually Jax-Ur, an escaped Phantom Zone prisoner, making his first, but by no means last, appearance in the Silver Age.

I suspect that there were more Super-Dad appearances in the Silver Age, but those are the three I know. I don't know of any cases where Martha Kent became Super-Mom. Anybody?
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एस्ट्रिक्स और ज्योतिषी

Người đăng: Unknown

जहाँ तक मुझे याद है, हिंदी में कुल मिला कर मात्र ६ एस्ट्रिक्स प्रकाशित हुए थे| मेरा परिचय एस्ट्रिक्स  से हिंदी के ही माध्यम से हुआ है| सबसे पहली हिंदी एस्ट्रिक्स थी, "एस्ट्रिक्स ओलिंपिक खेलों में", जिसने मुझे इस पात्र का आजीवन दीवाना बना दिया| मुझे याद है कोई अगस्त या सितम्बर १९८२ की बात है, एक दुकान पर इंद्रजाल और कुछ अमर चित्र कथा खरीद रहा था| पास में कुछ  इंगलिश एस्ट्रिक्स भी थी, जिनकी कीमत कोई ५० रूपये और साथ में ही हिंदी ५ रूपये मात्र की| उठा कर  देखा,  कागज साधारण लेकिन कॉमिक मजेदार लगी| खरीद कर घर लाया, कितनी बार पढ़ा होऊंगा, कह नहीं सकता| फिर शुरू हो गयी हर अगले अंकों की तलाश|

अनुराग भाई के पास उपलब्ध पांच में से  तीन पहले ही पोस्ट कर चूका हूँ | आज प्रस्तुत है एक और  विरल  हिंदी  एस्ट्रिक्स:  "एस्ट्रिक्स और  ज्योतिषी"| संवादों का अनुवाद प्रसंसनीय है|
  • १९७२ - मूल प्रकाशन  फ्रांसीसी भाषा में और मूल श्रृंखला में उन्नीसवीं (अब तक केवल ३४) कॉमिक
  • १९८३ - प्रथम हिंदी प्रकाशन (अभी तक आखरी भी ), हिन्दी एस्ट्रिक्स श्रृंखला में तीसरी कॉमिक 
यह कहानी है एक ऐसे प्रपंची की जो एक ज्योतिषी (भविष्यवक्ता) का ढोंग कर सीघे-साधे गालवासियों से खूब पैसा बनाता है| कुछ समय तक "बांटो और राज करो" नीति सफल होती है| लेकिन अपनी ही करणी का फल पहले से भी बुरी तरह भुगतता है, और जहाँ  एस्ट्रिक्स महाशय हों - कुछ और भी हो सकता था क्या? बोया  पेड़  बबूल  का , आम  कहाँ  से  खाय|

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 उम्मीद है आप इस कॉमिक्स को पसंद करेंगे|
श्रेय: स्कैनिंग का कार्य इस अंक के संग्राहक खुद अनुराग दीक्षित द्वारा और स्वच्छिकरण मेरे  द्वारा किया गया है| 
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D2-021 Robb and Bey's Wonders of Mongo (1-Oct-1956 to 24-Dec-1956)

Người đăng: Unknown

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary:Washed ashore on a desert beach on Mongo after his adventure on ‘E-Z Island’ (read D2-020 Kozy and Skurvy's Island), Flash is saved by two travelling entertainers/tricksters in possession of Dr. Zarkov’s gun, stolen from a trader in the Market of Kolugi Tribesmen.

Determined to pick up the trail of his lost friends at the notoriously lawless gathering, Flash disguises himself as a local entertainer and infiltrates the market with his new friends, only to find that Zarkov has become a warlord...

(Source of summary: www.ipcomics.net)

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It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & "Allen Lane" who scanned it.
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D2-020 Kozy and Skurvy's E-Z Island (11-Jun-1956 to 29-Sep-1956)

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 7, 2010

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary: As Ming’s forces flee into neutral Mongo territory where they cannot be pursued by Prince Barin’s forces (read D2019 Kag the Conqueror), Flash, Dale and Dr. Zarkov agree to act as spies and infiltrate the lawless isle of Merca in the zone to gain intelligence about Ming’s movements.

Setting off on the long journey in the guise of local fishermen, the trio is overcome by a freak storm during which Flash is swept overboard and subsequently washed ashore on a strange, drifting island...
(Source of summary: www.ipcomics.net)

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It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.
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Your Kids Could Be Zombies

Người đăng: Unknown on Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 7, 2010

Now that is a very strange ad.
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Three NiceTarzan Comics

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 7, 2010

 Think, many of you missed these.

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According to Emile, probably it's reprinted version of Gold Key. I have to read many issues of that period, have all scans. However  can say confidently, new colours are too good.

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These are from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.

Updated 26th July: This comics was requested by some friends.Now we are missing only one out of four. Check comment part.

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Frew 970 - Nectar of the Gods

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 7, 2010

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It's scanned and edited by Micho. Howver link provided by Rocklud & in next few hours by Delboj. What a friendly attempt, thanks friends!
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D2-019 Kag the Conqueror (26-Mar-1956 to 9-Jun-1956)

Người đăng: Unknown

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry
Summary: Remaining on Mongo in anticipation of the dark times envisaged in Worriless Willie’s disturbing visions (read D2018 Return to Mongo), Flash and his friends’ situation is further complicated when Ming II makes a daring escape from the Forest Kingdom prison.

As Ming sets off to reassemble his forces and Flash takes up hot pursuit, both men end up being drafted into a vast, advancing army belonging to the unscrupulous barbarian Kag, hell-bent on conquering the whole of Mongo at any price...
(Source of summary: www.ipcomics.net)

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It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.
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Lord Haw Haw

Người đăng: Unknown on Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 7, 2010

Commander Benson had a recent post which centered on this story and several others involving Sgt. Fury's romance with a British noblewoman named Pamela Hawley. As it happens, I thought it would be interesting to talk about Hawley's brother in the story, described as Lord Ha Ha.

Of course there really was a Lord Haw Haw; he was a propagandist for the Nazis during World War II. He broadcast messages to the British calling for their surrender. Here's part of one of his radio messages from 1941:

However, the rest of the story is pure fiction from Lee and Kirby. For starters, Lord Haw Haw was not the son of an English lord; rather he was William Joyce, the son of an Irish immigrant to America. Joyce's family moved back to Ireland when he was still quite young, and to England during the Irish war for independence in the teens. Joyce joined the English fascists in the 1930s and later fled to Germany just before the outbreak of WWII.

In the story, Hawley's family is convinced that he has been tortured into making broadcasts for the Nazis, and request Fury's help to spirit him back to England. Fury succeeds in kidnapping Hawley, but the traitor escapes and is ironically shot by the Nazis who mistake him for an enemy.

Given that this appears to take place in the early 1940s, it is clearly another bit of artistic license. The real Hawley made his final (drunken) radio broadcast in 1945 as the Allies were about to end the war in Europe:

And he died at the end of a British rope, executed for treason.
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D2-018 Return to Mongo (2-Jan-1956 to 24-Mar-1956)

Người đăng: Unknown

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman
Art: Dan Barry

Summary: Celebrating the arrival of Dr. Zarkov’s daughter Zara to Earth (Read D2017 Swamp Girl) and reminiscing about their first adventure on planet Mongo, Flash and his friends suddenly realise that the planet’s path in the solar system has once again brought it near Earth.

As the Space Kids try to persuade Flash to let them make a rare visit to the legendary planet, the wish-induced psychic powers of Worriless Willie make all arguments superfluous by teleporting everybody present to Mongo in an instant - and to a fateful meeting with two old enemies...

(Source of summary: www.ipcomics.net)
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It's from Emile's e-collection. All credits go to her & original scanning person.
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